
Crew Notes.

It is needless to say that all the boating men were much pleased to have Mr. Harry Keyes with them two or three days last week. They always feel that they have something substantial to rest upon when they get his judgment. Mr. Keyes was in consultation with the other members of the Graduate Advisory Committee and the captain nearly all the time he spent in Cambridge. Important matters in regard to the boating, the candidates for the crew and the work of the crew were discussed. The committee seem to be pleased with the showing made by the candidates at present though of course it is impossible to judge accurately at this early day what kind of an oarsman a new man will make.

Several new candidates came in within the last few days and some have dropped out. At present those at work are: Clow, Cauthorne, Stearns, Batholomay, Acton, Ninde, Blake, Williams, Dr. Rochmont, Hinkman. These are all new men at rowing, excepting Williams and Blake, but they are working earnestly and seem determined to make the most of themselves to gain positions in the '92 'varsity boat. Until this week four of the men have been doing pair oar work on the river. At present all are at work on the weights in the gymnasium. More new men will be tried within a few days.

Jones '92 is working at the freshmen, gradually getting the material into such shape that the boat can be picked out. It is evident that the class has not got its best men out. Of course much is hoped of the foot ball men; but even then the class ought not to be satisfied to see a crew of such light men represent it. The light men show the most interest in offering themselves as candidates. Any one who hopes to begin late in the winter will very likely be disappointed when the time comes. Every man in the class who would like to become a candidate for the crew must talk with or write to Jones, the coach, some time this week. The crew meets in the rowing room of Hemenway Gymnasium every week day at 5 o'clock. It is hoped that a good many strong men will offer themselves without any more urging. It is important that these men should come out.
