We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.
To the Editors of the Crimson:
I should like to call attention to a matter which I think deserves consideration. The winter trip of our musical clubs. Every year practically the same circuit is made - Washington, Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis, etc. The smaller cities of the west and all the cities of the south are ignored, If the object of these winter trips is to awaken an interest in Harvard in the sections of the country where little is known of the University - the clubs have certainly mistaken their mission if we are to judge from the circuit they take. Indianapolis, Omaha, Denver, Louisville, Nashville and Atlanta are never visited by the Harvard Clubs. Yale and Princeton go to these citins every four years and the result is seen in the numbers of students that flock to Yale and Princeton from these quarters every year. Let us compare the list of cities the Yale and Harvard clubs visit this year. Yale goes to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, Dubuque, Louisville, Nashville, Atlanta, Savannah and Charleston. Five of the ten are southern cities.
Harvard visits Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Not a southern city. Almost all the concerts given in a group of cities in one section of the country. Princeton is going to give all her concerts in the south and as far south as Florida. Harvard graduates in the south are never given an opportunity to have the memory of their college days renewed and it is hardly to be wondered at that they grow indifferent.
I have no doubt but that this communication will be read and with customary Harvard indifference no action will be taken but if there are enough students in the University who object to this shabby treatment of our southern graduates - the matter will be discussed and corrected before another season.
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