Yesterday afternoon Rev. Brooke Herford conducted the last college vesper service which he can attend before leaving this country for his work in England. He spoke of the power for good which, in some righteous men, seems to come from their very presence As Dr. Herford spoke these words and mentioned the names of several men with such power, it must have occurred to the minds of many in the congregation that there stood before them just such a man, the presence and light of own strength and righteousness showed for them the way of good. The importance of Dr. Herford's work at Harvard cannot be overestimated. Though he has been a regular preacher to the University for only this past year and a half, he came to the University by no means as a stranger. The hold which he at once gained upon the students was remarkable. At each succeeding service his power was more keenly felt and responded to, and his personal relations with the students seemed to strengthen marvellously the influence which he was already wielding. This influence has increased day by day and it cannot but endure after Dr. Herford's departure. In closing his pastorate here, Dr. Herford will realize, we hope, the place which he holds in the minds and hearts of the University and the spirit of earnestness and courage which he has fostered here.
During the remaining four week days of the term Dr. Herford will conduct morning prayers and on Sunday evening he will preach the last time in Appleton Chapel. The University should realize how precious are these last few opportunities to hear him.
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