
Yale Glee Club Trip.

The Yale Glee and Banjo Clubs start on their Christmas Trip Monday, Dec. 21st with thirty-six men. As usual they will travel and live in their private cars, avoiding thus the changes incident to the mode of conducting the trip of the Harvard Clubs. This difference in the mode of travelling, constitutes the main distinction between the trips of the two clubs: in respect to the treatment of the Clubs in the various cities where they sing, there is very little difference. The same spirit of friendliness is shown toward both colleges

Dec. 21st they give their first concert in Carnegie Music Hall, Allegheny City, whence they leave for Cincinnati on Tuesday. Tuesday evening they are in Cincinnati and Wednesday evening in Louisville. Thursday morning they leave for Chicago, giving their concert there that evening and spending Christmas Day, Friday, then starting again for Dubuque Saturday morning. After the concert here they go to St. Louis staying there till Tuesday. Tuesday night and Wednesday are spent in Nashville. Thursday evening a concert is given in Atlanta, Friday, Jan. 1st, one in Savannah and the last one in Charleston, Saturday. The clubs return Monday, Jan. 4th, thus making a two weeks trip.

The Harvard and Yale Clubs will cross courses at St. Louis this year as they did at Chicago last year.
