MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal at 4.30. Important.
FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal at 8 o'clock at 37 Brattle Street.
FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - Brookings, Chamberlain, Hill, Parker, Reed, Wilcomb, rehearse tonight (Thursday) at 6.30 sharp 14 Hilton's Block.
HARVARD GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal at 6.45.
YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - The regular weekly meeting will be held this evening at the rooms in the Lawrence Scientific School (East) at 6.30 o'clock. All are invited to be present.
WILLIAM C. DAMON,Recording Sec.All seniors whose last names begin with the letters of the Alphabet H to L inclusive, please sit for their pictures at Pach's before the Christmas recess.
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