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The college owes a word of heart congratulation and thanks to the musical clubs upon their performance of last night. The annual fall concert is generally the first chance that the college has to judge of the work which the musical clubs have been doing and of the standard which they are setting. Their work last night went to prove conclusively that the clubs this year have attained a degree of excellence rarely, if ever, reached in former years. In every way the work of the clubs was excellent. The audience was thoroughly in sympathy with the performers and showed their appreciation by generous applause. Almost every number was encored and some were called for two or three times. A word should be also said in regard to the careful management of the concert and dance, which did away with the features which in former years may have proved at all objectionable.

A performance so complete in every way augurs well for the success of the clubs upon their Western Trip. The next concert to be given will be next Friday evening in Boston. The proceeds of this concert as well as of the one last night will be given to the University Crew. It ought not to be necessary to urge the college men to unite with the clubs in their good work and help to make the concert Friday of the greatest possible benefit to the crew.
