The fall concert of the musical clubs came off last evening, and was without doubt one of the best that has been heard here of late years. The clubs have never appeared to better advantage. The Glee Club sang with excellent phrasing and expression that reflected great credit on Mr. Arthur W. Thayer and the leader, and the Pierian Sodality has never played with such precision and clearness, while the Banjo and Mandolin Clubs did remarkably well.
Although the GleeClub sang few of the old songs, they made up for it by the excellent choice of newer and more difficult pieces. They were encored many times and sang, among other encores, the familiar "Old Man Moses," the "Moon lighter," and "Schnider's Band." The "Cannibalee" was put in the place of another song and the solo was well sung by R. M. Fullerton. "Romeo and Juliet," sung near the close of the concert made even a better impression then it did last spring. The club is very fortunate in having a large number of soloists, all of whom are excellent.
No less praise con be given to the Pierian Sodality, for they played in better fashion than usual. The selections were good, executed with good phrasing, and at no time an undue prominence of any instrument. The brass, which has hitherto been a weak feature of the orchestra, was never unpleasantly forced. The selections from "Cavalleria Rusticana" and "Lohengrin" were nearly faultlessly played, but there was a little unsteadiness in the Prelude to King Manfred.
The Banjo Club played excellently. The charming waltz by R. W. Atkinson was delicately rendered, and the club well earned the two encores that followed. The Mandolin Club showed the good results of training under an efficient and careful leader. The selections, unfortunately only two, were encored and followed by a piece of charming melody, which showed how much expression can be put in the mandolin.
Certainly the clubs have good reason to congratulate themselves upon a concert assuredly the best of late years. The Glee Club is in an especially excellent condition and in spite of the warm reception they met last year on the Christmas trip, they cannot fail this year to make even a better impression.
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