
Programme of Sanders Theatre Concert.

Below is given the programme of the concert by the Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Clubs and Pierian Sodality, in Sanders Theatre this evening at eight o'clock.


1. (a) Selection from "Cavalleria Rusticana"

Pietro Marcagni.(b) Promotionen Waltzes Op. 221,

Johann Strauss.Pierian Sodality.


2. (a) Rhine Wine Song, Mendelssohn.

(b) A Hundred Fathoms Deep. Arr. by A. W. Thayer.

(Solo by Mr. Bruegger).

(c) Simple Simon.

Glee Club.

3. D. K. E. Waltz, L. S. Thompson '92.

Arr. by W. F. Lewis '94.

Banjo Club.

4. Glees.

(a) Dearest Awake, Stroch.

(b) Faint Heart Ne'er Won Fair Lady, R. T. Whitehouse '91.

(Solo by Mr. Whitehouse).

(c) Phantom Band, A. W. Thayer.

Quartette and Club.


1. (a) Selection from "Lohengrin," Wagner.

(b) Prelude to Fifth Act of King Manfred, Reinecke.

Pierian Sodality.

2. (a) Rose-bud Fair, Macy.

(b) Boreen, P. L. Atherton '93.

Messrs. Dole, Berry, Farwell and Bruegger.

3. (a) The Hoodoo, Music by L. S. Thompson '92.

The Hoodoo, Words by L. F. Berry '92.

(Solo by Mr. Berry).

(b) Wing Tee Wee, P. L. Atherton '93.

(c)Holsteiner's Band, R. T. Whitehouse '91.

(Solo by Mr. Farwell).

4. Bella Majourka, Arr. by Romero.

Mandolin Club.

5. (a) Wine and Woman, Arr. by L. S. Thompson '92.

Solo by Mr. Dole.

(b) Versatile Baby, Lewis '88.

(c) Fair Harvard.

Glee Club.

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