
Fact and Rumor.

A fencing club has been organized at Princeton.

The fifth number of the Lampoon came out Wednesday.

Thirty Harvard graduates have been governors of States.

A Guitar and Banjo Club has been organized at Wesleyan.

The consultation hours for English C briefs are 1.30 for section I and 3.30 for section II on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


F. W. Garrison '94 is sick with scarlet fever at his home in Brookline.

Dr. Sargent will form regular gymnasium classes after the Christmas vacation.

Werthers Leiden must be read outside the class by German 4 before Christmas.

The next theme in German 4 must be handed in on the 19th of this month.

Sir Edwin Arnold is to lecture at Wesleyan Jan. 25 in the Alpha Delta Phi course.

The Glee and Banjo Club will give a concert in Jamaica Plain Friday evening. The concert will be followed by dancing. A special electric car will leave for Boston immediately after the dancing.

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