
The Loan Fund.

In the calendar today the notice appears that today is the last day for receiving applications for aid from the Loan Fund. For the benefit of those men who may not entirely understand the mode of assignment the following extract from the catalogue will be of interest:

* * * There is a Loan Fund, the interest of which, amounting annually to about twenty-five hundred dollars, is lent to meritorious students in the sophomore, junior and senior classes, in sums ranging from forty to one hundred dollars. This fund is under the control of a Board of Trustees, in Boston.

The Trustees of the Fund request applicants for loans to observe the following rules:

"1. To address their applications to the Treasurer of the Loan Fund, George Wigglesworth, Esq., Boston, and give them to the Dean.

"2. To state the amount they wish to borrow.


"3. To set forth their circumstances fully, as they would do on making application to an individual for like aid.

"4. To state what aid they have received, or expect to receive, from the college.

"5. If any applicant is under twenty-one years of age, his application must be accompanied by the written approval of his parent or guardian."
