
Special Notice.

ROOM MATE WANTED. - Apply at or address Weld 22.

28-6t.GEO. MENDELL TAYLOR, teacher of piano forte and vocal culture. Voices examined. 349 Harvard St.

31-3t.TUTORING in Greek 10.

G. F. ROUILLARD, '94,423 Broadway, 1-1.30, 6-7.30.GREEK 10, tutoring. Also freshman and sophomore Greek and Latin courses.

W. M. CANNON, A. B.,



16 Stoughton Hall.WILL the person who borowed Roeber's Medieval Art from Holworthy 12, last year return the same?

TO LET. - A very pleasant and extremely sunny room at 410 Harvard St. The rent of the room and pay for janitor's service have been paid for 1-3 of the year, to Jan. 1st. Anyone who takes room, may do so at once and thus have room for 8 months by paying for only 6. Present occupant obliged to leave.

MENDING. - Clothing carefully and thoroughly repaired for students and families at 69 Oxford Street.
