
The Freshman Foot Ball Team.

Although the freshman eleven will not go to training table until tomorrow it is not to early too judge somewhat of the strength of the probable team which will play in the Yale game.

One of the greatest difficulties in the way of getting up a strong team is the lack of heavy men. Not a candidate thus far has presented himself who weighed as much as one hundred and eighty pounds who knew anything about the game or showed signs of future capability. The center of the line under the present circumstances cannot be strong enough to cope with a team which will draw nine men from the Yale 'varsity training table.

Late in the year as it is more heavy men are needed, and in the large numbers of the freshman class such men should and must be found.

Play at present is somewhat crippled owing to an injury of Wadsworth's shoulder and the laying up of Whitman, the temporary captain and one of the candidates for quarter-back. Wadsworth has been playing left end and with more snap and life infused into him can put up a strong game. He will probably be out again Monday.

Although no decisive selection has been made yet by Mr. Morse who has had entire charge of the team the more promising men lined up yesterday on the first eleven as follows:


Left end, Boyden, short and light, does not use his head, is easily blocked off and pushed inside. Tackles fairly well but is not sure.

Left tackle, Davis. He is a St. Mark's man and knows something about his position. If he were a little stronger he would be a good tackle.

Left guard, Eddy. He is heavy and strong but apt to waste his strength and is ignorant of the science of guard playing.

Centre, Potter. He is a small, light man for the place and with a very large idea of his own capabilities. He is pretty poor but as good perhaps as Fairbanks who was playing opposite him on the second eleven.

Right guard, Teele. He is loosely built, rather heavy and seems to try but is slow in getting through and making holes.

Right tackle, Whittren. He is strong and well built and a hard worker but almost ignorant of the principles of foot ball. With coaching he should make a good tackle.

Right end, Adams. He is well built but very short and light for an end in a big game. He is quick and a plucky tackler with a good deal of life in him.

The backs are as unpromising as the forwards.

At quarter Wrenn is playing hard. In fact he is the only man on the team who exhibits any signs of life. His blocking off is good but he is apt to make stupid blunders with his signals.

The half-backs, McNear and Wardner are both rather light and not exceptionally brilliant. McNear runs pretty well but does not follow his blockers closely and is apt not to find the hole made for him.

Phelan who is playing at full-back is an Exeter man and is supposed to be a foot ball player. He kicks well but is utterly useless in team plays, apparently having the idea that he is on the team to stand round with his hands on his hips.

The great fault of the team as a whole is a tendency to shirk and play half-heartedly. It is time Ninety-live showed themselves to be men. Morse L. S. had done admirable work considering the material he has had, but the class should do more for the support of the team and rouse some enthusiasm among the candidates by their presence as spectators on Norton's Field.
