
Ninety-three 18; Ninety-two 0.

The senior and junior elevens played off their tie yesterday afternoon, the juniors winning by a score of 18 to 0. Since the game last Thursday, Burgess has been coaching the '93 men, and the effect of his advice was evident in the play of the entire team. Their play was full of snap and life; the centre men broke through well, the tackles would not be blocked off, and the backs were quick in getting away and fumbled very little. All these improvements can be traced directly to the coaching of Burgess.

The seniors, on the other hand, did not show corresponding improvement. They were slow behind the line, and very weak in the centre. The team has been playing in very hard luck, the whole season, and man after man has been laid off on account of injuries. Yesterday, in the line, Gray at left end had hardly recovered from his injury of Thursday; Weed at tackle suffered from a very severe blow in the chest; Hunt, at centre, has had water on the knee; Watriss came in at the last minute to play right guard in the place of Stearns who broke a bone in his hand; Newell at right tackle suffers more or less from heart trouble, and should really not have played yesterday; and Putnam at right end has been laid off on account of minor injuries. Altogether the condition of the team was not such as to make a very good showing possible, and the game that they played yesterday was remarkable for its bull-dog pluck.

At 3.40 the teams lined up as follows.


Gray, (left-end) Chew.


Weed, (left-tackle) Ellsworth.

Jones, (left-guard) Broughton.

Hunt, (Walcott) (centre) Winslow.

Watriss, (right-guard) Rogers.

Newell, (right-tackle) Cary.


Putnam, (right-end) Dibblee.

Lockett, (quarter-back) Stevens.

Green, (half-backs) Parker.

Cook, (half-backs) Thatcher.

Forbes, (full-back) Duffield.

The game started with '93 in possession of the ball. They gained five yards on the wedge, and then carried the ball straight down the field by plays at the centre to '92's 10 yard line. Here they lost the ball on a fumble, but regained it immediately on a fumble by '92. On the next play Ellsworth was pushed over for a touchdown. No goal. '92 now took the ball on the 25 yard line but could not gain in three downs and was forced to kick. Duffield muffed the kick and the ball went to '92. Again '92 was forced to kick and again Duffield muffed, but this time Parker fell on the ball for '93. Cary was now given the ball, and went clean through the big hole made by Ellsworth, and scored a touch-down from the centre of the field. No goal, and '92's ball on the 25 yard line. '92 was again forced to kick, and after this the ball staid near the centre of the field till till the end of the half. Score, 8-0.

'92 started with the ball in the second half, but failed to gain in four downs. '93 made good use of Stagg's formation and ran the tackle well, but finally lost the ball on the 20 yard line for holding. The game was much delayed at this time on account of Newell's injuries. '92 tried to kick. but the kick was spoiled and Parker got the ball. Hunt's eye was badly cut and Walcott was substituted. Soon after this Duffield was pushed over for another touch down. No goal. Lockett's pass for a kick was poor, and '93 got the ball and soon scored another touch-down, from which Duffield kicked the goal. '92 started from the centre of the field with great snap. Short, sharp rushes, and a dash between tackle and end for fifteen yards by Green took the ball to '93's ten yard line, but here the juniors braced and further progress was stopped. Time was called very soon after. The game was umpired by Bass, L. S. McNear. L. S., was referee.
