
Goal Kicking Contest.

The goal kicking contest for the Graduates Cup took place on Jarvis Field yesterday afternoon and was again won by Trafford. The candidates had three trials at each distance 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 yards. The 25, 35 and 45 yard kicks being drop and the others place kicks. The scores are rather low owing to the high wind which was blowing. Following is score in full:

Entries. 25yds. 30yds. 35yds. 40yds. Total.

Blagden, 002 000 000 000 2

Fearing, 220 020 000 000 6

Grant, 020 000 000 000 2


Mason, 002 020 000 000 4

Robb, 000 000 000 000 0

Trafford, 222 200 300 303 17

None of the candidates made points from the 45 and 50 yards line.
