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Morgan Kelley, catches for the Boston Association team, has been engaged to coach the candidates for the Wesleyan base ball team.

The largest foot ball score on record was made by Harvard against Exeter in 1886, when she scored 158-0. Yale's largest is 136-0, against Wesleyan in 1886, and Princeton's is 140-0 against Lafayette in 1884.

The announcement of Mr. D. E. Spencer's lecture on "The Colonial Suffrage" to be given in University 20 at 7.30 p. m. tonight, was not put in the calendar in time for publication in Saturday's issue.

There will be an examination in Mr. Marsh's section of Spanish 1 on Friday, December 4.

The trustees of the Peabody Museum have just published their 23d and 24th annual reports.


The victorious Hopkinson eleven were given a dinner last week by Captain Fair-child's father.

Over 100,000 students are at present attending colleges and universities in the United States.

The Boston Athletic Association will hold its open, handicap, indoor games at Mechanics Hall Feb. 13.

R. M. Lovett '92 has a story in the undergraduate department of the University Magazine for November.

Charles Schoff, right end on the University of Pennsylvania eleven, has been elected captain for next year.

A handsome tablet has been presented to Trinity by friends, commemorating her victory over Yale in base ball.

Average age of the Yale freshman class is 19 years, average weight 136 pounds and average height 5 feet 8 inches.

The University of Vermont has received a bequest of $50,000 to found a professorship of natural and technic sciences.

Princeton will have the same team next year as both Homans and Symmes the only ones to graduate, return to college.

It is maintained that the college of the City of Mexico is the oldest in America. It was founded fifty years before Harvard.

Bloss '94, with a handicap of 14 feet, took second place in the 70 yard dash at the M. A. C. games held at the Madison Square Garden, New York, on Saturday.

President Eliot and Mrs. Palmer addressed the Massachusetts Teachers Association at its closing session Saturday morning.

The Harvard-Yale freshman series now stands: Harvard, eight victories, 141 points; Yale, 5 victories, 114 points and two tie games.

A social musical club called the Mandolinata has been formed by some of the students. The officers are president, Roll-man; leader, Stern; Secretary, Kemball.
