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Albert Whitehouse of Manchester, Eng., weo was at one time under Dr. Sargent, has been appointed director of the M. I. T. gymnasium.

It is stated that Stagg has resigned his position as instructor of athletics in the Chicago University to take charge of athletics at Yale.

It is said that Napoleon modelled the University of Paris after the plan made by Alexander Hamilton for the University of New York.

Michigan has seventeen graduates in Congress, the largest number representing any institution of learning in the country. Harvard has sixteen and Yale eleven. - Ex.

Ashinger, the American, has won the six day's bicycle race, with a score of 752 4-5 miles, thus breaking the best previous record of 741 miles.


Bowdoin College has just received a cast of the Marble Faun. The original, by Proxitiles, is in the Capitoline at Rome. The cast was presented to the college by the class of '81.

A professorship in Heidelberg University has been recently given to a graduate of the University of Michigan. This is the first time for years that an American has been appointed to a chair in a German University. - Ex.
