
Fact and Rumor.

English 2 begins Henry V today.

French 6 begins Le Joueur today.

There are 14 men from Bowdoin '91 at Harvard.

Scholarships have been abolished at Columbia.

There are 400 students in the Columbia Law School.


The Trinity College faculty has voted that the students must attend Chapel six times a week instead of four as formerly.

A new law building is to be built at Cornell this year.

Courtney will train the Cornell crew again this year.

The Tech. winter meeting will be held Saturday, Dec. 12.

Calkins '90, is a professor in Grinnell University, Iowa.

Of 380 colleges in the United States, 237 are co-educational.

Babbitt '89 is professor of classics in the University of Montana.

Last year Cornell received gifts amounting to more than $5,000,000.

H. R. Bishop '91, is in the wholesale grocery business in Chicago.

Twelve '94 men at Trinity this year were fined $10 apiece for hazing.
