

FRESHMAN NOTICE. - Wadsworth, Adams, Boyden, Emmons, Davis, Whittren. Seele, Cooke, Eddy, Murchie, Hitch, Potter, Grant, Jackson, McNear, Raymond, Wardner, Reed, Whitman, Wrenn, Mills, must be at University at 10 a. m. sharp.

R. L. WHITMAN.Captain.APPLICATIONS for Price Greenleaf Aid to be assigned next January must be made to the Secretary on December 15.

THERE will be no lecture in Zool. 1 today, and the laboratory work will be from 9 o'clock to 12 on Saturday, Nov. 28.

E. L. MACK.HARVARD GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal at 6.45.

PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal at 4.30.


HARVARD REPUBLICAN CLUB. - Will every Republican please send his name and address to 42 Grays, or sign the blue book at Leavitt's immediately.

R. McM. GILLESPIE,Secretary.ALL seniors whose last name begins with the letters A, B or C, must sit for their photos, at Pach Bros. at once. All others please sit at their earliest convenience.

3t '92 PHOTO COMM.
