
Ninety-one Statistics.

The secretary of last year's senior class, H. A. Davis, has finished compiling statistics of his class and the result will soon appear in a small pamphlet. Mr. Davis has not only gathered tables similar to those which former class secretaries have got together, but has done much original work in the way of statistic-compiling. Some of the most interesting of the tables are as follows:


Harvard, 32

Dartmouth, 5


Amherst, 4

Brown, 3

Wesleyan, 3

Colby, 2

Columbia, 2

German Universites, 2

Mt. St. Mary's, 2

Princeton, 2

Union, 2

Antiocb, 1

Bowdoin, 1

College of New York, 1

German Gymnasium, 1

Hamilton, 1

Kenyon, 1

Marietta, 1

Montreal, 1

Oberlin. 1

Trinity, 1

University of Iowa, 1

University of Missouri, 1

University of Vermont, 1

Yale, 1

"Yes" 1


Total, 74

Not sons of graduates, 206

Not heard from, 7


Total, 287

REMUNERATIVE OCCUPATIONS."Had you pursued any remunerative occupation before coming to college?"

Teaching, 27

"Yes," 17

Business, 14

Journalism, 4

Ministry, 4

Farming, 3

Law, 1

Stenography, 1



Counted twice, 9



None, 218

Not heard from, 7


Total, 287

WRITINGS PUBLISHED."Have any of your writings been published outside of college [or school] papers?"

Newspapers, 39


Religious, 8

Scientific, 4

Humorous, 2

Literary, 2

Fictinn, 1

History, 1

Music, 1



Counted twice, 6


None, 227

Not heard from, 7


Total, 287

DRIKING."Do you ever drink alcoholic liquors?"

Yes, 134

No, 96

Occasionally, 18

Rarely, 10

Very rarely, 8

No answer, 14

Not heard from, 7


Total, 287

SMOKING."Do you smoke?"

No, 124

Yes, 116

Occasionally, 18

Rarely, 13

No answer, 9

Not heard from, 7



WEARING GLASSES."Do you wear glasses?"

No, 216

Yes, 47

Sometimes, 14

No answer, 3

Not heard from, 7




Around the world, 1

Europe and Asia, 1

Europe and Azores, 1

Azores, 1

Europe, 98

In America.

South America, 1

Mexico, 1

Bermudas, 1

Alaska, 2

Canada, 51

West to the Pacific, 35

West to the Mississippi, 67

West to the Middle States, 106

South to the Southern States. 38

South to Gulf, 33

Not outside of New England, 33

Not outside of Massachusetts, 3

No answer, 11

Not heard from, 7



Counted twice, 68, three times, 17 102


Total, 287
