
Hare and Hounds Run.

A very successful hare and hounds run took place yesterday afternoon. It was a good day for running and about twenty five men enjoyed the sport.

The hares, J. O. Nichols L. S., and A. Blake '93, started at five minutes past four. The trail was laid over Norton's field, around Felton Hall, down Boylston Street, across the bridge to Cory Hill. From here the hounds had difficulty in following the trail through the woods; thence down Pearl to Main, where the break occurred. The hares arrived at 5.09. The first three hounds finished twenty four minutes later in the following order: G. Lowell '92, D. W. Fenton '95, F. C. Hinckley '95. The run was about eight miles long. The next one will occur one week from today.
