
Brokaw Memorial Fund.

Princeton is to have a new athletic field as a memorial of the great athlete, Brokaw, who lost his life in June while attempting to save a person from drowning. Money is being raised among the students and friends of the college and preparations are going on day by day as fast as possible, in order to get at least part of the field in condition for use next spring. This field is not in any way to take the place of the regular 'varsity field. but is to serve as a play ground for the college at large, as Norton's Field does for Harvard.

The exact plans have not as yet been fully decided upon but some idea of the grounds can be had from those proposed. The meadow where the field will lie is south-west of Brown Hall, and the approach to the field will be along the driveway in front of Edwards Hall. The main entrance, which will be elaborately ornamented with a large gateway, will be at the north-east corner. A large building is to be placed near the entrance, on which will be a tablet bearing an inscription in memory of Brokaw. This building may be used as a general club house and dressing room.

A fence will surround the field on three sides and the railroad embankment, which forms the boundary on the fourth side will be sodded and made as attractive as possible. There is a mound near the entrance which will be terraced so that teams can drive upon it. This will serve as a natural grand stand. The field has already been surveyed and as soon as possible final plans will be made and placed on exhibition for the benefit of the students.
