
Cheering the 'Varsity Off.

Five hundred men were gathered in front of University yesterday afternoon when the barges which were to take the 'varsity team drew up in the yard. Never before has such enthusiasm been shown in bidding good-bye to a Harvard team, a circumstance which argues well for the support the team will get at the game this afternoon.

J. A. Morse and Kellog Fairbank L. S., led off the cheering, with three times three for Harvard as the men got in the barges. Then Trafford, Lake, Corbett and the whole team, first and second elevens, were cheered enthusiastically man by man.

After the team three rousing cheers were given for Dr. Conant who has contributed so much to the welfare of Harvard foot ball for the last two years. Then the coaches, Stuart and Adams were cheered and cries of "Cumnock" brought out such a storm of "rah, rah, rahs" that could best testify to the appreciation of Cumnock's splendid work for Harvard athletics.

The innovation of starting from the college yard was proved a success, for the barges drove out the Johnson gate and the great crowd hurried across the yard and cheered again and again as they drove by, the last three times nine for Harvard continuing until the team had disappeared around the corner by Beck.

The enthusiasm and spirit manifested cannot but encourage the team, showing as it does that the whole college and not merely an element especially interested in foot ball has the success of the eleven at heart. With such a spirit firmly implanted in the general body of the University so called "Harvard indifference" will become for ever a name.


It is unnecessary to remind every man to cheer his loudest this afternoon, the great encouraging power of that kind of noise being well understood Well known graduates and old leaders of Harvards athletics will lead the cheering.
