BREAKFAST at Memorial tomorrow morning will be from 6.45 to 8.30.
FRESHMAN NOTICE. - All candidates must be on Jarvis at 3 30 p. m. sharp.
R. L. WHITMAN.Temp. Captain.HARVARD REPUBLICAN CLUB. - Will every Republican who has not signed please send me his name and address immediately.
R. McM. GILLESPIE,Secretary.MASSACHUSETTS CENTRAL SPECIAL TRAIN. - The second section of the Mass. Central train will leave at 7.45 from No. Cambridge instead of at 8.45 as stated in yesterday's CRIMSON. In returning the second section will start 15 minutes after the end of the game, and the first section will follow 15 minutes later. Men must NOT change sections for the return trip. Electrics will run up North Ave from Harvard Sq. at intervals after 7.00 o'clock as necessary, Saturday morning.
There are 100 tickets left for the second section of the train which will be put on sale at Thurston's at 9 this morning.
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