
Special Notice.

TUTORING in History 1.

C. E. WHITMORE, JR.,51 College House.ROOM MATE WANTED. - Apply at or address Weld 22.

28 6POLITICAL ECONOMY 4: seminar. Tuesday, 7.30 p.m. Bring Topics and References.


64 College House.FOR SALE AT HALF COST. - One pair custom made gymnasium trousers, full length, cost $5.00. One silk gymnasium shirt $80, One extra weight sweater $4 50. One pair raw silk miters (for cubbing down purposes) new, cost $2.00. The above articles were all new this year, and have been need but once or twice.


H. V. CROCKER, 26 Rivers,Cambrige.MRS. L. J. CHANDLER'S Dancing Class meets at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport every Tuesday evening. A series of Germans will be given in Nov.

tf.FRENCH 6 - Hour examination on Monday, November 2, at 9 a.m., in Upper Mass.

F. C. de SUMICHRAST.FRENCH 9 - Hour Exam. Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 9 a.m. in Sever 23.

F. C. de SUMICHRAST.WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. - Whole or half interest in a Boston weakly magazine. This is an exceptional chance for a person who wishes to enter into literary work. Address, Crimson Office.

28 6FOR SALE. - A Columbia light roadster safety, practically new, with lamp and all tools complete. Apply bet. 12.30 and 1.30 at 11 Matthews.

POLITICAL Economy 4, Philosophy 1, History 1, 11, 12. Tutoring.

WILLIAM W. NOLEN,2 Manter Hall.FOR SALE OR TO LET. - By a private party, two ponies, broken to both saddle and harness Height about fourteen two: warranted sound and kind. They can be seven at Quincy Sq. Stables. Enquire of Lake & Moynahan.
