
Special Notice.

THE Fair Harvard, John Harvard, and Midnight Ride, 1775, Souvenir Spoons, are for sale only by Freeman & Taylor, 495 Washington St., Boston.

31-24t.LOST. - A light fall overcoat dark brown diagonal. Brooks Brothers name on collar. Probably lost in recitation room. Please return to W. W. Brice, 36 Beck, and claim reward.

TUTORING. - In Spanish I; Italian I: German A; Latin.

F. C. COMMONS '92,N16, 18, 24

18 Hollis.SPRINGFIELD GAME - Yale and Harvard. Lunches put up in boxes for the road. Give your orders now. This is to call attention to the fact that K. T. Schober, Proprietor of the Old Elm Cafe, Brattle Sq., Brewers Block, is prepared to furnish Roasts, Steaks, Oysters, in better style than can be obtained outside of Boston. Steaks and Oysters a specialty.


WANTED. - Seat in M, N, O, or P section. Liberal terms offered. Apply in a. m. or address 35 Matthews.

LOST. - Waterman Ideal Fountain Pen, with rubber pocket holder. On Jarvis, at Library, at Post Office, or between any two of these places. Finder please return to S. L. Wolff, C. H. 4.

WANTED. - Three (3) seats in section T. Good premium paid. Apply to E. R. Coffin, 37 Hastings Hall.

WILL the person who took my hat from Memorial by mistake, please return it to 2 Littles and get his own.

