
Overseers' Meeting.

A special meeting of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College was held at 50 State Street yesterday morning at eleven o'clock. It was voted to concur with the President and Fellows in their vote reappointing Frank William Taussig, Ph. D., assistant professor in political economy for five years, from Sept. 1, 1891; Frank Brewster, L. L. B., instructor in the peculiarities of Massachusetts law and practice for 1891-92, and appointing Harold Clarence Ernst, M. D., assistant professor of bacteriology for five years, from Sept. 1, 1891; Henry Fiske Leonard, M. D., M. D. V., clinical lecturer in the School of Veterinary Medicine for 1891-92, and the following named instructors for 1891-92: Robert Wheeler Wilson, Ph. D., physics; Theodore Henckels, French; James Gray Lathrop, athletics.

Mr. Adams presented a list of the visiting committee for the calendar year 1892, and the committees were appointed. Dr. G. B. Shattuck, for the committee on the extension of the suffrage for overseers to graduates of the professional schools, moved the adoption of the following vote:

Voted, That a committee be appointed to draw up such amendments to the present statutes, establishing the right of suffrage for overseers, as shall extend that right in accordance with the recommendations of this report, and that the same committee take the proper steps to pro cure the passage of such amendment by the Legislature.

It was rejected, the vote being as follows:

Yeas - President of the University, Messrs. Adams, Bonaparte, Folsom, Hemenway, R. S. Peabody, Putnam, G. B. Shattuck, Wolcott - 9.


Nays - Treasurer of the University, Messrs, Codman, Coolidge, Green, Hoar, Lee, Lowell, A. P. Peabody, Russell, Saltonstall, G. O. Shattuck, Sprague, Torrey, Weld, Williams. - 15.
