
No Headline

Yale's new catalogue shows 1800 students enrolled in all departments.

The case of the Zeta Psi Club, charged with violation of the excise laws, which was tried last spring, has been nol prossed by the District Attorney.

English A will hereafter meet in Upper Mass. instead of Sanders Theatre. Assignment of seats is placed on bulletins in University and Sever.

In the last six Harvard-Yale games Yale has scored 133 points, Harvard 26. Last year Harvard won 558 points and lost 12; Yale won 484 points and lost 18.

Mr. Coffin of Wesleyan and Mr. Moffat of Princeton, who have been chosen as umpire and referee respectively, of the Harvard-Yale game, acted as such in the Yale - U. of P. game on Saturday.


The watch offered by Mr. Gaylord of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Department to the best all-round player on the 'varsity eleven has been awarded to Schoff, who plays on the right end.

Tomorrow at 5 p.m., the first vesper service, with harvest music, will be given in Appleton Chapel, under the direction of Mr. Warren A. Locke, by the combined choirs of Appleton Chapel and St. Paul's Church, Boston.
