
Seats for the Yale Game.

At the sale of tickets yesterday morning for the Springfield game it was intended to sell 2100 tickets, but owing to an unfortunate oversight 200 of these tickets escaped the notice of Mr. Leavitt, who was conducting the sale. The manager of the eleven and Mr. Leavitt regret exceedingly that this happened. Mr. Leavitt, who has sold the foot ball and base ball tickets without charge for ten years as an accommodation, is especially sorry for this his first blunder.

How these tickets should be disposed of has been a puzzling question. It has been decided, however, to place them on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's at two o'clock this afternoon on the following conditions: Any member of the University who will at that time sign in a blue book a statement that he has not yet secured a ticket for the game, will be allowed to purchase one of these tickets. No one will be allowed to buy more than one ticket on any condition.

At least 1500 seats in the end stands will be placed on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's Wednesday morning at seven o'clock. No man will be allowed to purchase more than three of these tickets.
