

THOSE wishing to join the Western Club will please send their names at once to C. C. Ramsay, D. 10.

SEMINARY IN MODERN HISTORY AND DIPLOMACY. - Meeting this afternoon at 4.30 in University 20.

HARVARD GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal at 4.45. Every man who expects to go to Springfield must be present.

THE Chess and Whist Club will shortly hold the annual tournament open to all members of the University. A blue-book has been placed at Bartlett's, to remain there until Nov. 23d. Entrance fee, 25 cents. Notice of the preliminary round will be given later.

NOTICE. - The editors of this year's Index desire to make the page of strength tests as full as possible. With this end in view Dr. Sargent has consented to test any men who will present themselves on Thursday or Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Every strong man in college should take interest enough in this matter to be examined at one of these times.

