
Hare and Hounds Run.

The Hare and Hounds Run yesterday afternoon was especially successful. The hares Carr, M. S. and A. Blake, '93 started at 4.02, and set a faster pace and ran a longer distance than the hounds expected. The hounds, thirty-five in number started seven and a half minutes later. The hounds easily followed the scent the whole distance up Mr. Auburn St. nearly to the cemetery, thence to Spy Pond by way of Fresh Pond. Crossing North Avenue the hounds continued nearly to Medford, and returned by way of Porter's Station where the break took place. Fenton '95 the first hound in finished at 5.40 1-2, twenty-four minutes after the hares. His time for the run was one hour and thirty-nine minutes. G. Lowell '92 and Hinckley '95, finished second and third respectively. The distance run was probably about twelve miles.

There will be another hare and hound run next Monday at 4 o'clock. The next run after that will probably be a fast run which practically amounts to a cross country run.
