
Special Notice.

PACH'S XMAS GREETING. - What better present can you give your dear friend, than one of our Harvard Xmas Panels? Call at the studio and we will show you the size. We started this picture two years ago at a reduced price; old price $5.00, now we are getting $3.00. Don't put it off until the last moment but come now.

H. WM. TUPPER,35-6t.

Manager and Photographer.THE Fair Harvard, John Harvard, and Midnight Ride, 1775, Souvenir Spoons, are for sale only by Freeman Taylor, 495 Washington St., Boston.

31-24t.ALL guitar and mandolin players in the University, who wish to join a mandolin club, will meet at 35 Weld, Friday, Nov. 13, at 7.30 p. m.

36-2t.FOR SALE OR TO LET. - Two ponies young and strong, sound and kind, broken to both saddle and harness. They can be seen at Quincy Sq. Stables. For terms address 24 Weld Hall, Cambridge.


TUTORING in Mathematics.

D. L. SMITH,715 Cambridge St.2 3. 7-8 p. m.

LOST. - A white and brindle Boston terrier with name Max Agassiz on collar. Will finder kindly return it to W. Potter, 72 Mt. Auburn St., and receive a reward.

Very desirable room to let in Hilton. Southern exposure. Large reduction in price. Apply at 3 Linden St.

ENGLISH 9. - Seminar for the Hour Examination in English 9 will be given Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Terms $1.50.

P. L. HORNE '92,Stoughton 11.
