

WESTERN CLUB. - Meeting called for Friday evening, November 13, in Stoughton 11 at 7 oclock, to effect permanent organization. The presence of every Western man is desired.

BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE.HISTORY 10. - The assistant will be in the Library from 9.30 to 10.30 today.

SHOOTING CLUB will meet today at 2 o'clock. All members are requested to attend and try for the team.

THE Photographic Committee for the class of '92 desire to announce that they have appointed Pach Bros., photographers, for the class. For scale of reduced prices they refer the members of the class to the announcement which will be published soon.

NOTICE. - The editors of this year's Index desire to make the page of strength tests as full as possible. With this end in view Dr. Sargent has consented to test any men who will present themselves on Thursday or Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Every strong man in college should take interest enough in this matter to be examined at one of these times.


YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - The regular weekly meeting will be held this evening at 6.30 o'clock at the rooms in Lawrence. (east).

WILLIAM C. DAMON,Rec. Sec'y.MEMBERS of the Reform Club can get their shingles at Thurstons on payment of their dues.

C. L. SCHURZ, Sec'y.THE exercises in Chemistry I on Nov. 12th and 13th will be omitted.

