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The closing days of the foot ball season are here. During the next week the finishing touches must be put upon the playing of the eleven, and as much encouragement as possible should come to the players from the college. From now on as many as possible should be on Jarvis each afternoon to watch the practice of the team. Last year there was a very large crowd on the field every afternoon during the closing days of the practice, and we can all remember the splendid enthusiasm of those days. The men gathered in a solid mass on the grand stand, and for every good play a great cheer went up. There was some slight cheering Tuesday afternoon, but it was half-hearted and only faintly recalled the enthusiasm of last year. There must be an improvement in this. There is no doubt whatever that the team was greatly benefited by the presence and applause of the fellows last year. The improvement in the individual work of the men and the development of team play in those last days of the season was remarkable. What was good then will be good now. There should be a large attendance at the practice today, and the men should bunch so that their cheering may be more effective as well as more easily led.
