
Delta Upsilon.

The public exercises of the Fraternity of Delta Upsilon were held last evening in Sanders Theatre before a small but interested audience.

The exercises opened with an invocation by William E. Griffis, D. D., Rutgers '69. At the close of the invocation the history of the fraternity was read by George R. Mathews, Adelbert '84. The fraternity was founded in 1834, its object being to oppose literary and social societies that possessed an evil influence over college affairs. Other societies quickly joined, and in 1864 it was incorporated into the Fraternity of Delta Upsilon. The headquarters were established in New York, where members from all colleges could meet. At first there was no badge, but finally a badge was instituted in the form of a key. Several magazines have been published by the fraternity, and now the recognized paper is the Delta Upsilon Quarterly. Some of the prominent members of the fraternity are David A, Wells, James A. Gardiner, E. B. Andrews, George Washburn, of Constantinople.

The poem, by William J. Warburton, Columbia '90, and the oration by W. H. P. Fance, D. D., Brown '80, closed the meeting.
