
The Weld Boat Club.

The Weld Boat House will be closed for the winter on Thursday. Although it seems rather early, it is necessary to close it now, to take advantage of the high fall tides in moving the float up the marshes.

The club closes with a membership of about two hundred, nearly twice what it was last year at this time. The number of boats taken out during the day has been proportionately large, - from forty to forty-five on the average. Only two boats have been seriously injured, and these have already been repaired. During the winter two narrow single shells will be built, and added to the number now in the boat house.

Mr. Hartwell, the janitor, has an idea which ought to enlarge the membership of the club very much in the spring. He proposes to keep the boat house open until eight or half-past during the summer months, if he has the same help which the janitor had last year. If this plan can be put into operation it will give the men a chance to enjoy the best time of the whole day for rowing, - from six to half-past seven.
