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The action of the administrative board on the petition for the release of certain of the foot ball players from probation is gratifying for several reasons, but for none so much as because it shows again that the relation between students and faculty is one of close understanding and sympathy. That the work of the men on probation should improve and bring them safely within the specified standards of the college was of course a sine qua non to their restoration to regular standing at any time. The fact that they have made that improvement, however, would not have been enough in itself to get them off probation so early. The petition was granted at this time because of "the character and assurances" of those who signed it. In other words the action of the Administrative Board is an expression of the highest confidence in the men who are at the head of our athletics, and a recognition of the readiness which the students as a body have shown in recent years to support the faculty in all matters of college discipline. It is a pleasure to know that the moral tone of the college is so healthy that the faculty can afford to treat us, not simply with fairness and justice, but with the confidence and liberality which characterize its action in this instance.


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