THERE will be a meeting of the Institute of 1770 today at 12 m. Important.
L. A. FROTHINGHAM,Secretary.SUBSCRIBERS who do not receive their CRIMSONS regularly, will save the manager much trouble by leaving their complaints at the stores where they left their subscriptions.
HARVARD BANJO CLUB. - Trial of candidates for the banjo club will be held in 10 Holworthy, Monday, Oct. 12, at 7 p.m. All banjo and guitar players in the University are invited to be present.
V. M. PORTER.MR. HAYES will meet the voluntary classes in Elocution on Mondays and Fridays, at 2:30 p.m., in Holden Chapel.
ENGLISH 9 - The class will meet in Upper Dane instead of Sever 5. The list of seats will be posted this afternoon.
LEWIS E. GATES.PIERIAN SODALITY. - The trial of candidates for the orchestra occurs tonight at 7:30, in Roberts Hall, Brattle St. Every musician, (of the freshman class especially), is urged to make a trial.
MEMBERS of the "Alphas" the team that won the scrub championship in base ball last spring, will please call at Leavitt and Pierce's and get their cups if they have not done so.
MANAGEMENT H. U. B. B. C.LOST. - Knights Templars Charm. Suitable reward if returned to E. E. Chick, Peabody Museum.
H. U. C. A. - There will be a meeting of the Harvard University Cycling Association, at 13 Wadsworth House on Monday, Oct 12, at 7:30, to elect officers.
H. H. WHITE,Vice-President.CRICKET ELEVEN. - All candidates for the cricket eleven who wish to play in any of the remaining games this fall must be present at the cage in the gymnasium today at 4 o'clock. Every man in college who has ever played cricket, or who desires to learn the game is requested to be present.
C. S. SKINNER, Captain.
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