
Freshman Class Meeting.

The meeting of the freshman class in Lower Massachusetts last evening was in every was a success. It was enthusiastic and at the same time orderly. The meeting went off with a good deal of snap, and the amount of good feeling shown for the elected officers was very creditable.

For the past few years the meetings have been getting more and more formal; and that last night was marked by a new departure. Nominating speeches were introduced. They had the good point of being short, and some quite pointed.

The meeting was called to order by Rantoul, president of the senior class. In opening the meeting he spoke a few words about '95's athletics. Your class, he said, has a name to make for itself, and the easiest way to make it is in athletics. '92 won the foot ball, tied the base ball and won the crew; '93 won the foot ball, won the base ball, and lost the crew; '94 won the foot ball, tied the base ball, and lost the crew; and now it remains for '95 to win the foot ball, base ball, and crew. Every man should support the class teams both by his presence at the practice, and by liberal subscriptions. Be loyal to your class and to the dear old university.

The meeting then proceeded to nominations. For president, N. P. Dodge, Jr., of Exeter, and R. W. Emmons, of Groton, were nominated. To secure a good vote President Rantoul appointed as tellers J. D. Merrill, L. S.. D. F. Jones '92, T. W. Lamont '92. L. Barr '92, H. Lewis '92, H. H. Harris '92, and C. P. Cheny '92. The class voted as they passed out of the hall. The result of the balloting was that Emmons received 191 votes to 75 for Dodge.

For vice-president, R. D. Wrenn of the Cambridge Latin received 104 votes. C. E. Noyes of the Boston Latin 51, I. S. Adams of the Roxbury Latin 44, P. W. Whittemore of the Boston Latin 38, and S. White of Andover 31. As it was decided to elect by plurality and not majority Wrenn was elected.


Three men were nominated for secretary and treasurer, of whom W. W. Caswell of St. Marks received 144 votes, Pierre LaRose 84, and Brewster of Cleveland 31.

The officers of '95, then, are R. W. Emmons president, R. D. Wrenn vice-president, and W. W. Caswell secretary and treasurer.

Three committees consisting of Mills, Wheatland and Ames; Brice, Forbes and Pierce; and Chase, Hancock and Johnson, were sent in search of the three officers. Emmons and Caswell appeared and made a few remarks. Cheers followed for the successful candidates, and the men seemed ready to wait until Wrenn should appear, but Chairman Rantoul thought it best to adjourn the meeting.
