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For several years the college authorities have been urged through both the editorial columns of the CRIMSON and Advocate and through numerous communications from the college at large to offer a course in astronomy. It is now announced that a course in astronomy is to be offered. The college papers can hardly credit this to any influence they may wield, however, for the course is not such a one as they have had in mind when asking that one be established, and it is given now more from necessity than anything else, since it is demanded as auxiliary to the work of the Lawrence Scientific School. The course is open to only a very few men, and will not be open to the very men who have always been the petitioners for a course in astronomy. It is a course in the practice of astronomy rather than a study of the theory of the science. It may be regarded, however, as an entering wedge, and welcomed as making more possible the course which so many men here desire.
