

NATURAL HISTORY 18. - Lectures will begin on Wednesday, the 7th of October at 11 a. m.

J. D. WHITNEY.ADVOCATE. - There will be a meeting at 7:30 tonight in 39 Hastings.

ELOCUTION. - I shall meet the afternoon section of the Elective work on Mondays and Fridays at 3:30 p. m., instead of as previously named.

J. F. HAYES.ENGLISH 1. CHAUCER. - The recitations will be held in No. 2 University Hall henceforth.

GEORGE LYMAN KITTREDGE.POLITICAL ECONOMY 1. - The section in Political Economy 1 which met at 9 o'clock in University 2 on Monday, will meet hereafter at the same hour in Upper Dane.


ALL candidates for the cricket teams will please be out at 4 sharp today.

GARRETT,Captain.'94 ELEVEN. - All candidates will be on Norton's dressed to play at 3:30 sharp.

R. B. BEALS,Captain.TO LET. - Students' apartments. Very desirable. Furnished or unfurnished. Two minutes walk from the college grounds. Mrs. Nickerson, No. 50 Kirkland Street.

SECTION B of French 2 meets today, Tuesday, at 10, Sever 24. Section a will continue to meet in Upper Dane.

ROBERT SANDERSON.YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - The first social of the year will be held at the rooms this evening at 7:30 o'clock. New members of the University are especially invited.

HARVARD MANDOLIN CLUB. - There will be a trial of candidates for the Mandolin club Friday, Oct. 9, at 7 o'clock, in 10 Holworthy. All mandolin and guitar players in the University are urged to be present.

5 4t.

L. THOMPSON.FRESHMEN will please leave their names and addresses at the Cambridge post office.
