

No Headline

The CRIMSON board for the ensuing half-year will be made up as follows:

HUGH MCK. LANDON, '92, President.

HENRY WARE, '93, Managing Editor.

MAYNARD LADD, '94, Secretary.

T. W. Lamont, '92. C. R. Nutter, '93.


E. B. Adams, '92. E. L. Hunt, '93-

E. White, '92. C. E. Whitmore, '93.

D. Gray, '92. A. N. Broughton, '93.

W. C. Nichols, '93. F. Winsor, '93.

H. C. Fox, '94.

L. P. Sanders, '93, Business Manager.

The change in the officers of the paper marks no change in its policy. Following in the foot steps of those who have preceded them the new officers will strive to improve the paper in every department. It is always our desire to make the CRIMSON in every sense the college organ, and in our editorial opinion to express the best sentiment of the University. In all our work we hope to receive the same kind cooperation from officers and students which has been of such material benefit to the paper in the past.
