It is gratifying to note that the candidates for the different class elevens are already hard at work. The success of the series for the class championship in foot ball during the past two or three years has been a potent agency in arousing and sustaining the interest in foot ball. Any plan which brings more men into active participation in a sport is a good thing for that sport, a statement which is abundantly proved by the history of boating here since the opening of the Weld boat house. And this is why it is gratifying to see that the interest in the class foot ball games is strong again this year. It is to be hoped, however, that the management of the games will be more satisfactory than it was last year. The captains of the different teams should get together and make rules which will settle definitely who are eligible to play in the class games. This question caused a great deal of very unpleasant squabbling last year. It was the only disagreeable feature of the games and one which might have been avoided if adequate rules had been made at the start.
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