
Foot Ball Practice.

There were about fifty men yesterday out on Norton's Field trying for the freshman eleven. Hallowell '93 and Ellsworth '93 had temporary charge of the candidates and spent some time in coaching them. The men were divided into two squads and first were drilled in falling on the ball. In this they were slow and clumsy, but afterwards when they lined up an the ball was put in play the freshmen did better; they ran well and showed more quickness and knowledge of the game. After a quarter of an hour's practice in this the men were given a chance to rest and the ball was merely passed around. The coachers then gave the men lessons in tackling,

Morse, L. S., has been appointed regular coach of the freshmen candidates and will take charge of them as soon as he returns, which will be probably today or tomorrow. While there were a good many men out yesterday there were no very large ones and the candidates seemed wholly to lack snap and life in their play, and most of them seemed to be new at the game.

About twenty-five '93 men came out on Norton's field yesterday afternoon in response to Captain Parker's call for candidates for the class eleven. After passing and falling on the ball for a while, two elevens were picked out and a practice game was played.

The most promising men for the line are Dibblee, Chew, Stone, Curtis, Pease, Falk, Farwell, Winslow, Magoun, Ingalls, Keyes, Blake, Merriam and Pike. The most promising men for backs are Allen, Parker, Broughton, Whitmore, Mac Veagh and Fairchild.
