
Fact and Rumor.

C. J. Stowe '94, has left college.

Whitmore '93 broke his nose in practice yesterday afternoon.

The sections for composition in English A are posted in University

The Harvard pony polo team beat the Hingham team at Hyde Park Saturday.

Seats in Memorial Hall have been assigned to 980 men.


The Tuesday and Saturday lectures in English A will be held in Sanders Theatre.

Rantoul '92 sprained his ankle in practice with the 'varsity yesterday but will be out in the course of a few days.

Of the Yale crew, those who have returned to college are Gould, '92, (captain), Paine, '94, and Balliet, '92. Simms has returned to the medical school, and Heffel-finger has gone back, although it is said that he will not row this year.
