
Special Notice.


NINTH SEASON. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler will open a class in Dancing and Deportment for beginners at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 8 o'clock p. m. Terms, $6 for 12 lessons; $12 for 24 lessons. A course of Germans will be given early in March. Private lessons by appointment. Residence, cor. Main and Inman Sts., Cambridgeport.

ROOMS FOR RENT. - Two large pleasant, well-furnished front rooms, in private family, as No. 7 Brown Street, next to the corner of Brattle Street. 1-3t.BULL TERRIERS FOR SALE. - Round-headed or "American" bull terrier puppies littered last Harvard Class Day. Sired by the prize winning dog "Dandy," owned by C. F. Leland, of 7 Beck Hall. Call and see them between 12 and 2 p. m. at 62 Sacramento Street.

2-3t CHAS. J. TAYLOR.BRIGGS & BRIGGS 3 Harvard Row have a well selected stock of Upright Pianos which they can rent to students at Lower Prices than can be procured in Boston. No charge for moving or tuning. Latest music. Musical Instruments, Strings, etc., constantly on hand.
