
Fact and Rumor.

The third number of the Advocate came out yesterday.

Bond '94 has been taken to the 'varsity training table.

The tie game between '92 and '93 will be played off on Tuesday.

E. Wrenn has been elected captain of the senior class nine.

Life-sized panels of athletes are being placed in the front of Yale's new gymnasium.


J. D. Upton '93, returned to college yesterday. He will in all probability be unable to play foot ball this fall.

The Co-operative has just started a department for the mending of underwear. Work should be left at the Co-operative office.

Oxford University has expressed its willingness to send an eight-oared crew to Chicago for the World's Fair, provided it can be assured that American college crews will be there to compete.

The new Chicago University will be conducted on a new plan by President Harper. Four quarters each composed of two terms of six weeks, cover the entire year, and the student chooses any two terms for vacation. Courses extend through one quarter, and are classified as major, with a minimum of ten hours work a week, or minor, with a minimum of four.
