H. A. A. - Freshman meeting has been changed from Nov. 3. to Monday, Nov. 2, at 4 p. m. Entries close Oct. 31, at 10 p. m.
R. B. BEALS, Sec.,
26 3T
23 Weld.GROTON CLUB. - There will be a meeting tonight at 8.30, in 6 Hilton, to elect officers for the year. All members are urged to be present.
J. C. HOPPIN,Secretary.'93 ELEVEN. - Dibblee, Chew, Winsor Stone, Friedenberg, Curtis, Cary, Falk, Lecomnete, Slade, Rogers, Broughton Winslow, Call, Jackson, Stevens, Fairchild, Thacher, Duffield, Stearns, be on Norton's at 4 sharp.
J. H. PARKER.HARVARD GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal at 7.'92 ELEVEN. - The following men be on Norton's field at four o'clock sharp: Gray, Weed, Jones, Walcott, Stearns, Newell, McKay, Hubbard, Brown, Spalding. Lockett, Green, Cook, Greenough, Forces, Loring, Ganson, Thorndike. Draper, Oliver, Simpkins, Williams, Pinkham.
FRESHMAN NOTICE. - All candidates must be on Norton's at 3.45 p. m. sharp.
R. L. WHITMAN,Temp. Captain.'94 ELEVEN. - All candidates must be on Norton's at 3.30 sharp.
R. B. BEALS,Captain.'VARSITY NOTICE. - Corbett, Fearing, Lake, Cobb, Gage, Gray and Trafford will be in the Carey building dressed at 3.00 sharp.
The following men will be dressed at 3.30 sharp: Mason, Waters, Grant, Highlands, Vail, Bangs, Mackie, Berry, Emmons, Newell, Collamore, Hallowell, Sherwin, Bond, G. B. Pierce, Curtis, Davis, Saltonstall, Rantoul, W. H. Shea, Burgess, White, McNear, Blagden, Eddy, Robb, Heard.
If it is impossible for any of the above men to be ready at 3 50 they must see me at 5 Matthews before noon.
B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.HARVARD UNION. - Meeting this evening, subject for debate: Resolved, that the Democratic state ticket in Massachusetts should be elected. Speakers: Affirmative - C. T. R. Bates '92, M. A. Bartlett '93. Negative - R. C. Surbridge, L. S., F. W. Dallinger, '93. Every member of the University is invited to speak from the floor.
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