The Harvard Union begins its fifty-ninth year with the meeting in Sever this evening. The Union is not only one of the oldest societies in the college, but one of the most valuable. It furnishes men here their only chance to gain readiness and ease in speaking and thinking on their feet; and it cultivates in them a critical interest in social, political and economic questions. Every young man in these days, and especially every college graduate, is expected to be able to speak creditably whenever called upon. The Union furnishes an invaluable training for this sort of thing, and should appeal strongly to all who have any desire to fit themselves for the demands which will certainly be made upon them. It is unfortunately true that for years the interest in the Union has not been what it ought to be. Many college in this country have flourishing debating societies; and in English universities debating is considered of the utmost importance. But here we have rather neglected it, often time sneered at it, and the result has been a steady decadence of the Union. Since its resuscitation five years ago it has been sometimes fairly successful, and sometimes almost a complete failure. It is now under the management of men who are determined to make it a success, and they ask the help of the college in their work. What they want is more men to come to the meetings and take part. Their appeal should find a ready response.
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