If the freshman class has any idea of winning the game with Yale, it is time that they give their team some sort of support. Yesterday afternoon there were not enough men on Norton's to make up 2 elevens, and Captain Whitman was obliged to fill in the centre of the team from his half-backs. Such a state of things would be disgraceful in one of the other class teams, and with a team which has such an important game as the one with Yale, it is especially to be censured. All the men who have been playing, either in the centre or anywhere else should make it their personal business to see that there is no lack of men on account of their laziness. The team is light at best and needs the assistance of every man if it is to have any chance against such a team as Yale will have this year. There are already nine '95 men at the Yale 'varsity training table. Furthermore it is essential that all freshmen who can possibly encourage the team by watching the daily practice and by cheering heartily at the games, should do so with all the strength in them.
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