
Special Notice.

RADFORD, JONES & Co. - Court, Hunt and Military Tailors, 32 George St., Hanover Square, London, England.

Mr. Radford will be at Young's Hotel, Boston, until Saturday, Oct. 3. Appointments at hotel. Office hours 9 to 10.30 a.m., 12 to 2 and 3 to 5 p.m. 2-2t

PLEASANT ROOM CHEAP. - A student to whom a yard room has been assigned wishes to sublet a room previously engaged. $50 discount. Apply to Boyden '94, 5 Felton Street or 46 Matthews.

2-2t.16 Hilton block to let, Apply at 3 Linden Street.

F. H. DENNIS. - Passe-Partout Maker. Mats, Panels and Velvet Work. Old Engravings restored. Pictures framed in neatest manner. Liberal discounts to Harvard students. 338 Washington Street, Boston.


S. S.
